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Cars SALE:- 2014 LEXUS LX 570, AUTOMATIC.. Dubai - UAEAD


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You are here: HomeCars SALE:- 2014 LEXUS LX 570, AUTOMATIC.. Dubai - UAEAD


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Number of views : 1079
Last visited : 20/02 at 14:53
Reference : 72

Ad details

2014 lexus lx 570 is up for sale, the car is working fine, engine in good condition, it is gulf specification and full option, rarely driven because of my busy schedule, no scratches or accident.

2014 Lexus lx 570
Grey exterior and Beige interior
The vehicle is in excellent condition
No mechanical fault, tested OK by Lexus dealers
The current Km of the car is 20140

Contact: Manlikestephenson1978@gmail.com

Dubai Dubai

Caution: UAEAD does NOT personally sell any of the items on this website, we only provide the platform to advertise for independent sellers. To avoid scams it is always best to meet in person for all transactions. Suspicious? Report this Ad

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