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Cars FOR SALE - LEXUS LX 570 2014 URGENT Abu Dhabi - UAEAD


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You are here: HomeCars FOR SALE - LEXUS LX 570 2014 URGENT Abu Dhabi - UAEAD


Ad statistics

Number of views : 954
Last visited : 20/02 at 14:53
Reference : 164

Ad details

Make: Lexus
Model: LX 570
Year: 2014
Transmission: Automatic
Mileage: 37,000 Km

GCC Specs,Very neatly maintained, No accident history or mechanical fault.
Background screens + Radar + 4 cameras front and rear and two on the mirrors
Spotless clean interiors, A/C is in perfect condition, full Option
Very reasonable price and I am the only user

my email is: dsiham87@gmail.com

02032838 Abu Dhabi

Caution: UAEAD does NOT personally sell any of the items on this website, we only provide the platform to advertise for independent sellers. To avoid scams it is always best to meet in person for all transactions. Suspicious? Report this Ad

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